Visiting Geeks' Mission

To provide outstanding technical computer support for home users, home office and independent professionals. Visiting Geeks supports all major operating systems, network and wireless technologies. We will be on time, courteous and efficient. We will provide honest, unbiased information to our clients to maximize their computer resources and minimize support costs.

What Makes Visiting Geeks Different?

Visiting Geeks and Building Networks are privately-owned and offer a level of personal service most other computer repair companies cannot. For us, it's not a numbers game. Instead, we're focused on building relationships with one customer at a time. Ultimately, we know that if you're satisfied with our computer repair services that you'll call us again for a future computer project and refer us to your friends, famly and associates. Existing Visiting Geeks customers know they'll always receive a warm reception every time they call. And in most instances, there will be a warm and responsive person answering the phone, not voice mail.

Experience Technicians

All Visiting Geeks computer technicians are mature, friendly, patient and understanding individuals. You need more than a 10-month computer certificate to be a Visiting Geek! You need real-world experience. In fact, hands-on computer experience is really the only way to acquire the knowledge that's necessary to troubleshoot the mass of computer problems that arise every day. Said another way -- In order to solve peoples' problems, you need to be able to look at the larger solution, rather than the particular problem. The ability to do so only comes from years of experience. Computer training classes and book smarts are no substitution for hands-on experience. At least, we don't think so!

Visiting Geeks technicians have a minimum of five years professional desktop experience, primarily from Fortune 2000 companies. This experience allows us to provide corporate-like, professional quality support for small businesses and homeowners north of Boston.

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